MYF Youth Camp Day One

Before that, i went to sleepover at Li Xin aka PWIGG's house. Had so much fun *LESBO-ING* there. LOL. Just KIDDING. We webcamed with CXL and his friends. Actually, I went to her house in the morning. Then we went for caroling practice together. And after that I waited for her till 5 p.m.

What a good friend I am...LOL. *perasan*

Anyways, here goes...


FIRST DAY! =) Left CGMC in the morning. Bryan Cheng, our Bus A Leader. =)
Sat with Kar Khei. The journey was short. And GAYNESS happened in the bus.


Girls catwalking...LOL

So damn funny lar. Especially Nicholas's walk. LOL! And the flying kiss.

Reached there, then checked in to our rooms. Why must girls suffer? Our rooms were at the 4th floor, HIGHEST floor. While the guys' rooms were at the 2nd and 3rd. Bad lar wei.
Was darn hot there, and a lot of flies! Lunch was better than what I expected.

Later, went to the hall. We had to climb 6 flights of stairs. =) There, we broke into our agency groups. And what was my agency??

Of course, the one and only...

*drum rolls*

C S O ! ! !

Apa itu CSO? Counter Strike Online? LOL. Of course no. CSO stands for Christ Sent Organization. CSO RAWKS. Natasha was our leader. We had some problems at first. Communication problems, but then everything went well the second day.

After that, we had our break time. I think I went to play captain ball, for the very first time.
At night, we had our first session; What Would Jesus Desire? I feel extremely guilty...cause I was quite sleepy throughout the whole session. After session was supper, if I'm not mistaken. I skipped, was too tired. Slept quite early.

BTW, I seriously DISLIKE the bed. I've hit my head for FIVE damn times. GAHH.


2 Laughters:

【RYAN Sh@u Min】 December 20, 2009 at 12:23 AM  

lol...maybe the bed is too small for u...i can say that u have many fun there....hehe

imcharlotteann December 20, 2009 at 1:18 PM  

its not too small. At home I'm sleeping single sized bed also what. Its the second level there. Whenever I stand up I sure kena. :D


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Aw3some Events

19th December - charity work =D

22th December - CGMC Youth Christmas Party

24th December - Christmas Eve!



This is the corner for CHIT-CHATTING and not for MESSING AROUND PEOPLE! SO...don't mess around here! :D

Chocolate Chocolate!

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Ten Top Trivia Tips About CHARLOTTE

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Charlotte!

  1. Only one person in two billion will live to be Charlotte.
  2. Charlotte has a memory span of three seconds.
  3. Half a cup of Charlotte contains only seventeen calories!
  4. Charlotte is 1500 years older than the pyramids!
  5. The pharoahs of ancient Egypt wore garments made with thin threads of beaten Charlotte.
  6. Charlotte can only be destroyed by intense heat, and is impermeable even to acid!
  7. Charlotte cannot swim.
  8. If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn into Charlotte.
  9. Only fifty-five percent of men wash their hands after using Charlotte.
  10. Charlotte has little need for water and is capable of going for months without drinking at all.
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