Happy Birthday


to....this special someone A.K.A Dong Dong. I'm not gonna type his name out. For those who knows me and him, i guess you guys will know who is this Dong Dong.
Aha! 2nd April...yeap stated above. His birthday.
I told him months ago that i'll get him something...but in the end, i bought nothing.
BUT...i guess i did give him a gift.
Talked to him at night...just like half an hour or one hour before his birthday over.
Yea...haven't been talking to him for like, W-E-E-K-S!
So I thought that it was the best day to talk to him...and yes i was right! =D

Didn't talk much actually. Can say that it was just a plain and boring conversation.
I was actually trying my best not to ruin his day. Well, I'm glad that I could talk to him.
But, the reason i msged him was to ask him whether did he tell Winnie about the whole 'me-liking-him' thingy...and he admitted.
While she denied. GAH! I can't really tell who's telling the truth.
Damn larh.

The next day...WORST! She told me that the WHOLE tuition centre knows about it.
HA! Very funny...i wonder why people must be so damn freakin busy body!
Can't they just mind their own business? Grrrrr....!!
Anyways, i don't really care. No harm loving someone, right?

So, yea...chatted with him 3 times this week. Well, considered ok already.
My gift for him was being the last time Ann. Ha...wasn't really the 'old version' me when i was chatting with him.
So yea, that's all i guess. And he did have a wonderful birthday.


Chocy...is my new nick. Thanks to Miss Chua Li Xin a.k.a Pwigg. Hehe!

-my gift for you was being the old me-
-thank you for accepting it-
-now i know that you're still the guy i once knew-

0 Laughters:


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I'm ONE FIVE, a girl who lives her life.
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Every minute is precious. TOODLES

Aw3some Events

19th December - charity work =D

22th December - CGMC Youth Christmas Party

24th December - Christmas Eve!



This is the corner for CHIT-CHATTING and not for MESSING AROUND PEOPLE! SO...don't mess around here! :D

Chocolate Chocolate!

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Ten Top Trivia Tips About CHARLOTTE

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Charlotte!

  1. Only one person in two billion will live to be Charlotte.
  2. Charlotte has a memory span of three seconds.
  3. Half a cup of Charlotte contains only seventeen calories!
  4. Charlotte is 1500 years older than the pyramids!
  5. The pharoahs of ancient Egypt wore garments made with thin threads of beaten Charlotte.
  6. Charlotte can only be destroyed by intense heat, and is impermeable even to acid!
  7. Charlotte cannot swim.
  8. If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn into Charlotte.
  9. Only fifty-five percent of men wash their hands after using Charlotte.
  10. Charlotte has little need for water and is capable of going for months without drinking at all.
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