Dead Serious!!

I'm serious about one thing!
I've decided to quit GB aka Girls Brigade and join GG aka Girl Guides.
The problem is...

I needa write a letter for the GB teacher adviser, which I've no idea HOW.
And, if she doesn't approve me, I won't get to join GG.
Hell, I hope she approves.

I need to state out my reasons for quitting, which I'm going to think of something.
Aihs, met Ms. Swaran today, she said its a bit too late. But, I just have to complete the log book and take the test. Then she'll enroll me.

And oh, I'm broke!! Bankrupt? Yes! I had to pay for farewells. With the money I saved.
Skipping recess, gonna have to save up some for holidays.

  • Canteen's Day(saturday)
  • Band finals(wanted to go,nobody accompany)
  • Sejarah folio(hand up next week, haven't even start)
  • Geo folio(hand up tomorrow, haven't finish)
  • Monthly coming...(sh*t)
  • Trial coming(goodluckisaac)
I guess that's all? Wish me luck. Hope she'll approve.
We gone crazy in the class...I'll update more the next post.
Bringing camera to school tomorrow. There'll be pictures. =)

And I hope he's

i've got lots to prepare...
gonna sign off now...tata peeps

-watever it is, you're still the one I'm interested in-
love you...

0 Laughters:


(: HELLLOO. Love my blog? Or hate it?
It's up to you anyways. I don't care as long as you don't mess with me or my blog.

I'm ONE FIVE, a girl who lives her life.
Original? A listener? Talker? Down-to-earth?

You decide. (:

I appreciate your visit to my blog.
Every minute is precious. TOODLES

Aw3some Events

19th December - charity work =D

22th December - CGMC Youth Christmas Party

24th December - Christmas Eve!



This is the corner for CHIT-CHATTING and not for MESSING AROUND PEOPLE! SO...don't mess around here! :D

Chocolate Chocolate!

Visit my Plurk profile and don't forget to join. If you're a member please add me. :P

Ten Top Trivia Tips About CHARLOTTE

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Charlotte!

  1. Only one person in two billion will live to be Charlotte.
  2. Charlotte has a memory span of three seconds.
  3. Half a cup of Charlotte contains only seventeen calories!
  4. Charlotte is 1500 years older than the pyramids!
  5. The pharoahs of ancient Egypt wore garments made with thin threads of beaten Charlotte.
  6. Charlotte can only be destroyed by intense heat, and is impermeable even to acid!
  7. Charlotte cannot swim.
  8. If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn into Charlotte.
  9. Only fifty-five percent of men wash their hands after using Charlotte.
  10. Charlotte has little need for water and is capable of going for months without drinking at all.
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