GUESS WHAT? I've made cupcakes! Wheees~
Well, I made 'em together with WengYue aka tiny poop aka my junior, and my sister!

Woots! Those are some of the pictures. All the pictures are in my Facebook, 'blahblahblah' album. Those of you who has added me in FB can take a look. :D
The process of making cupcakes are fun and awesome. Hehe. We made a mess. The kitchen was in a horrible terrible mess. But luckily we didn't burn the kitchen. LMAO.

It was my first time making cupcakes, and of course, I succeed! Those cupcakes I made were for my ex foster sister. And WengYue, for her *AHEM*.

*cough cough*

And remember I said I wanna make cupcakes for someone in my previous post? (: I'm gonna make again for that someone. But now, I've no idea whether its worth for me to do it or not. Sighs. Never mind.

I had a blast that day. I was totally tired after making those cupcakes. Haha.
Hmmm . . .

Comments from people who have tasted 'em ;

nice, awesome, hou sek. LOL!

Love ya all. :D

0 Laughters:


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I'm ONE FIVE, a girl who lives her life.
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Every minute is precious. TOODLES

Aw3some Events

19th December - charity work =D

22th December - CGMC Youth Christmas Party

24th December - Christmas Eve!



This is the corner for CHIT-CHATTING and not for MESSING AROUND PEOPLE! SO...don't mess around here! :D

Chocolate Chocolate!

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Ten Top Trivia Tips About CHARLOTTE

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Charlotte!

  1. Only one person in two billion will live to be Charlotte.
  2. Charlotte has a memory span of three seconds.
  3. Half a cup of Charlotte contains only seventeen calories!
  4. Charlotte is 1500 years older than the pyramids!
  5. The pharoahs of ancient Egypt wore garments made with thin threads of beaten Charlotte.
  6. Charlotte can only be destroyed by intense heat, and is impermeable even to acid!
  7. Charlotte cannot swim.
  8. If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn into Charlotte.
  9. Only fifty-five percent of men wash their hands after using Charlotte.
  10. Charlotte has little need for water and is capable of going for months without drinking at all.
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