No kidding...yes its straight now. Haha.
I went for haircut yesterday, thought wanna straightened my fringe only, but ended out, I got it all straightened. Haha!
So, how do i look like? Compare to my old look, a lot people said its nicer now. *perasan*
Lol. But anyways, I do like it. =P

As you can see my post title, it ain't about my hair. Its about my LIFE! What's wrong with it?
Nah, nothing's wrong with it. Haha. My friends wouldn't believe if i say nothing's wrong with it. Especially those close ones. =D
Well, there is something wrong about it. I don't know. I'm currently lost in the middle of my life.
Ya know, one night, I kinda went crazy...i guess so. I prayed. And I talked and talked and myself most probably. Or maybe to God. I actually crapped a bunch of rubbish.
Asking 'Why this?' 'Why that?'
I was feeling quite upset cause few of my friends were upset. So I asked God,
"Why can't people leave their past alone and just go on with life??"
"Why can't they let whatever happen, happen??"
Or just...why can't they understand that stuffs happen for some reasons. And that they cannot change their past. They have to live on with it. Just...leave it wherever they are. Memories cannot be lost. They're forever stuck in your mind, unless you get brain damage or whatsoever.
So, once in a while they'll come back and search for you. Its just, how you handle it.
And, why can't I leave stuffs that I have no control over the way they are....?
I don't know why, but, I really can't bear to see my friends sad. I really want everyone to be happy. Especially my love ones. I really wish everyone could be happy...but like what someone said,
"If everyone in this world is always happy, this world will be colorless...'
Well, at least, let them learn their lessons from the mistakes they made in the past. And stand back up and be stronger from wherever they fell. And not let their past haunt them.
Haiya...I'm so stupid lar. These stuffs I cannot help at all de...
Anyways, my parents argued yesterday. I was...VERY upset. I managed not to cry thou'. Luckily my friends were there. They're always there for me. Love ya all. Sigh. I did nothing to help.
Maybe it was the right choice...for not interrupting. I walked out of the house, went to my aunt's shop. Cause I couldn't bear with it anymore. I didn't want to hear anything more. I didn't want to see...or listen.
I went out, and the rest, I've no idea what happened. I only know that, this family might...break apart one day. And i've no idea whether I can bear with it or not. I just hope that...nothing will go on like how I'm expecting it to be. I'm still upset...but, it won't help much. I didn't cry a single tear. Crying doesn't help...AT ALL! I fought really hard to hold my tears back. That's just...silly, right?
I can't do anything to help. All I can do now is to study hard...and be a succesful person in the future. And...most of all, be independent. That's what I'm aiming for now. My love life? Nah, throw it away first lar. Still young. I believe in the soulmate principle, and I also believe that in the future, the right one will come. So, let it be first. Focus on my studies. Next year will be a sufferin' year. PMR! Majoooooor war. Haha.
And I guess that's all I wanna say. Just to express my feelings. =)
And, Fred...don't let your brain become mince meat thinking over that stuffs. You'll know if she really loves you. Just wait for the time to come. Be happy, brother. Don't make me sad too.
Peeps, I'll be away for three days. Hehe. Wait for me to update my blog when i come back...blekkk!
will be missin you guys a lot....
PS:thank you God for giving me such wonderful friends...
4 Laughters:
Wow. You look different, somehow you look thinner from your pictures. Not that I'm saying you look fat before.
Ughhh, I'm gonna stop talking. Beautiful hair :D
There are things you remember,
and there are things you can't forget.
Nice hair really different
lala~ cant wait to see your new hair :P
anyway, whatever happens God has his reasons to let it happen. Pray hard for your family problem. =)
haha...thanks guys~
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