You make me...crazier, crazier!
I'm getting crazier! Bwahahahaha. WTF am I laughing about? fcuk
Okay, I'm swearing again. GAH! I've lost my mind, I am still losing it!
Last weekend was fun. =D Poi Lam, bored. LOL! The haunted house was not scary at all.
Instead of getting scared by the so called ghosts, I got scared by a balloon. I know I'm smart...HAHA! =)
Badminton on Monday was good. Darn I hate my racket!
1)I need a new racket(obviously a better one)
2)I need a new pair of badminton shoes(old one's tornnnnn!)
3)I think I need contact lens...=)
That's all I'll be needing, and craving for.
And...and...and, will 'YOU', stop treating me like your FREAKIN' GIRLFRIEND?!
A better word, ASSUME that I'm your girlfriend. Go **** yourself.
I am so not going to be your girlfriend, even if you're the last guy on Earth.
I've had enough of your stupidity and you annoys me a lot! I repeat, A LOT!
And, I'm not gonna reply your sms unless I feel like it. Cause you're too freakin annoying!
PS: you know who you are...damn you.
Gosh, people nowadays are, mad. Just because of others creating stupid names like, T&C and craps. DAMN, just because you treat someone better, care for them, they'll think the other way. =.=!
Lets see, Daddy bought a new bicycle. Hehe. So I go cycle almost every evening. My butt hurts...=(
And I'm totally addicted in B-A-D-M-I-N-T-O-N. Still, I'm not good in it.
School, I pity NT. Try open least windows lar. Open your windows let some *fresh air* in ma. Unlike me, I opened everything and now it's time to close my door and let my windows open. And put a *Under Renovation* sign there. Haha. Only few of us will understand whats with the windows and doors.
Only time heals...
Posted by
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
2 Laughters:
Wow, who's the lucky guy that wants you? :)
Awww, maybe he's sincere?
i did not even realize that u actually commented on my post. HAHA. Some annoying guy. Nah he's not. He's just craving for a girlfriend that he can french kiss with. LOL
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