Okay, so when was my last post? Millennium ago? Okay, never mind. It was August 16th.
A big WOW! So many things happened you know.
Where do we start?
Soooooo, our choir competition was, one word; A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
Oh hell yeah it was! But, too bad, few of of them were absent, due to the rumor of H1N1 in our school. I still hope we win. =D
Sadly, our Geography teacher, Mr. Wong aka Papa Wong, or Mr. Yellow, left us after serving the school about 23 years that day.
I am pretty sure that the teachers were upset, and so were we. So was I. Although only half year he taught us Geography, but I have to admit that he's a really really, REALLY good teacher.
We're gonna miss you, Papa Wong. =(
Anyways, our class bought something for him. A farewell gift. The pictures are not with me. Visit this link www.baby-lixin.blogspot.com to see the pictures.
Here are some pictures from me.
Holidays, equal. Both bad and good. Why? Stupid-freakish-dumbo-idiot-damn FOLIO! Good? I went for badminton TWICE. Awesome awesome awesome!
Could have been better, but I don't wanna talk about that person anymore.
Both also 5 hours time. =D
Btw, I prefer SINGLEs more than DOUBLEs.
Some problems with my friends. Dating dating, this is the consequence for DATING at this AGE! Damn it. Damn! My bestfriend's MOM is making a fcking wrong decision. I just hope she will change her mind. Else, me and someone will surely murder her.
And, i see people always sighing nowadays. Especially few of my friends, like I said.
Makes me upset too...=( Cheer up mates.
That's all I guess? Updates coming...thousand years later.
Posted by
Monday, August 31, 2009
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