Dead Girl♥

I can still hear my own breathing.
I can still feel my heart beating.


I'll stay back in school for practice practically for the whole week.

And here's the results of it;

  • I got darker in just one day time
  • My arms hurt
  • My legs hurts A LOT
  • I'm not having enough sleep
  • Couldn't really finish my homework
Last but not least, I AM HALF DEAD.
I woke up in the morning, and immediately my brain received messages from parts of my body saying,


Useless la. Tomorrow got school somemore. Saturday arh. SATURDAY!
And I gotta rush for tuition straight after school. Sad case.
Wrong decision I made. Marching practices kill. Tuition classes kill. I need nescafe, more and more nescafe.
And in the end of the day, I'll collapse. =)


Anyways, I think my tuition teacher will start teaching 'REPRODUCTION' next Tuesday.


I am seriously looking forward to what will happen. LOL. Its actually nothing to me. :P

My mathematics teacher really is trying to kill me. Suddenly she gave me a job to do. And it has to be done next week, by using computer somemore. And I'm practically using the comp for like, only 30 minutes. And its not PER DAY! Geez...seriously no comments.

And now, I shall get back into my coffin! =P

-what will i answer?-

0 Laughters:


(: HELLLOO. Love my blog? Or hate it?
It's up to you anyways. I don't care as long as you don't mess with me or my blog.

I'm ONE FIVE, a girl who lives her life.
Original? A listener? Talker? Down-to-earth?

You decide. (:

I appreciate your visit to my blog.
Every minute is precious. TOODLES

Aw3some Events

19th December - charity work =D

22th December - CGMC Youth Christmas Party

24th December - Christmas Eve!



This is the corner for CHIT-CHATTING and not for MESSING AROUND PEOPLE! SO...don't mess around here! :D

Chocolate Chocolate!

Visit my Plurk profile and don't forget to join. If you're a member please add me. :P

Ten Top Trivia Tips About CHARLOTTE

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Charlotte!

  1. Only one person in two billion will live to be Charlotte.
  2. Charlotte has a memory span of three seconds.
  3. Half a cup of Charlotte contains only seventeen calories!
  4. Charlotte is 1500 years older than the pyramids!
  5. The pharoahs of ancient Egypt wore garments made with thin threads of beaten Charlotte.
  6. Charlotte can only be destroyed by intense heat, and is impermeable even to acid!
  7. Charlotte cannot swim.
  8. If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn into Charlotte.
  9. Only fifty-five percent of men wash their hands after using Charlotte.
  10. Charlotte has little need for water and is capable of going for months without drinking at all.
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