r a i n d r o p s k e e p f a l l i n g
...on my head...
It rained on the first day of school. =)
And I'm back to Ori, which is kinda sad. =( I'm still trying to get used to it.
First day, first morning...
I sat there, reminiscing
My friends, my best pal,
They're not here with me now...
Yeah, I'm sad, yet I'm happy.
Going to school by bus sucks to the max. I don't like it at all.
Anyways, you must be wondering why am I here blogging, whereas there's school tomorrow and I have to wake up at 5.15 A.M!
I'm starting to feel...stress. I need someone to talk to. But, there's just no one that I could turn to.
Form 3 life isn't good. It isn't wonderful at all. I can hardly breath now...and its just the 2nd week of the first month.
Sports practice started. Nightingale is on Tuesday. And I've got tuition straight away after I get home.
And there's even tuition and SATURDAY and SUNDAY!
Its not that I'm not used to it. Its just that, out of a sudden I just feel so tired of everything. Every single thing.
Every time when I think of PMR, I just feel like DYING. I desperately want it to end fast. Thinking of all those projects projects. Project 20...where you have to do 20 exercises for EACH subject.
Example; History objective, 60 questions per paper. 60 x 20 = 1200 questions.
Gosh, and conquer Geography. Damn I dislike Geography. The teacher makes me feel like sleeping every time during Geo lesson.
Geez...I seriously don't know what to say now. I HAVE GOTTA SURVIVE!
...and you shall visit me at my grave then...
End of me complaining about school now.
Monday night, 11.01.2010, I received a really really really shocking news. My gor broke up with my BFF.
You couldn't imagine, and wouldn't know how I react.
She cried, like DUH.
He acts like nothing happened. WTF.
Unbelievable right? I know...
No, I don't know...I don't know a single thing. I don't know whether the reasons he told me are true or not. The reasons he broke up with her. Cause there's just this feeling inside me, telling me that he's hiding something. AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS IT!
It feels like I'm in pain too. Seeing my BFF being hurt like that. Knowing that she's suffering every night. I've no idea why. I felt so disappointed with him. I was ANGRY at him. I wanted to STRANGLE him, as if I'm the one he dumped.
Maybe its just...just that she's really my BFF. And she had been hurt, badly.
The bond between a true friendship...
...on my head...
It rained on the first day of school. =)
And I'm back to Ori, which is kinda sad. =( I'm still trying to get used to it.
First day, first morning...
I sat there, reminiscing
My friends, my best pal,
They're not here with me now...
Yeah, I'm sad, yet I'm happy.
Going to school by bus sucks to the max. I don't like it at all.
Anyways, you must be wondering why am I here blogging, whereas there's school tomorrow and I have to wake up at 5.15 A.M!
I'm starting to feel...stress. I need someone to talk to. But, there's just no one that I could turn to.
Form 3 life isn't good. It isn't wonderful at all. I can hardly breath now...and its just the 2nd week of the first month.
Sports practice started. Nightingale is on Tuesday. And I've got tuition straight away after I get home.
And there's even tuition and SATURDAY and SUNDAY!
Its not that I'm not used to it. Its just that, out of a sudden I just feel so tired of everything. Every single thing.
Every time when I think of PMR, I just feel like DYING. I desperately want it to end fast. Thinking of all those projects projects. Project 20...where you have to do 20 exercises for EACH subject.
Example; History objective, 60 questions per paper. 60 x 20 = 1200 questions.
Gosh, and conquer Geography. Damn I dislike Geography. The teacher makes me feel like sleeping every time during Geo lesson.
Geez...I seriously don't know what to say now. I HAVE GOTTA SURVIVE!
...and you shall visit me at my grave then...
End of me complaining about school now.
Monday night, 11.01.2010, I received a really really really shocking news. My gor broke up with my BFF.
You couldn't imagine, and wouldn't know how I react.
She cried, like DUH.
He acts like nothing happened. WTF.
Unbelievable right? I know...
No, I don't know...I don't know a single thing. I don't know whether the reasons he told me are true or not. The reasons he broke up with her. Cause there's just this feeling inside me, telling me that he's hiding something. AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS IT!
It feels like I'm in pain too. Seeing my BFF being hurt like that. Knowing that she's suffering every night. I've no idea why. I felt so disappointed with him. I was ANGRY at him. I wanted to STRANGLE him, as if I'm the one he dumped.
Maybe its just...just that she's really my BFF. And she had been hurt, badly.
The bond between a true friendship...
-to be continued-...
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