'H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y'
to who leh?
HAHA! Of course...to ME lar!
So unlucky, first day of school after two weeks of holidays. =D
But yet, I'm still very HAPPY!
Not many presents, but yet I'm still happy.
Thanks guys for all your wishes.
FREDERICK LEE! Haha...you're still the FIRST one who wished me. The lovely fishy...[youowemeone]
CORN aka LI XIN the second, haha. Loves you dear. Jia you for the concert. Don't get too tired.
and the third? Someone...HAHA! ISAAC. I thought he forgotten...but no. =D Sang me birthday song too...SWEET[yourvoiceisnotthatbad,PINKMONSTER!]. imwaitingforyoupresent...isaachowenwei
And BIG THANKS to Wing Yee for the cuuuuuuute pillow.
And yea, thanks guys.
Too bad its a school day...lols.
Anyways, that's all lar. Perasan me update new post just to wish myself Happy Birthday.
*waits till Friday night...*
-Gotta go...-
Remember peeps, 15/6
to who leh?
HAHA! Of course...to ME lar!
So unlucky, first day of school after two weeks of holidays. =D
But yet, I'm still very HAPPY!
Not many presents, but yet I'm still happy.
Thanks guys for all your wishes.
FREDERICK LEE! Haha...you're still the FIRST one who wished me. The lovely fishy...[youowemeone]
CORN aka LI XIN the second, haha. Loves you dear. Jia you for the concert. Don't get too tired.
and the third? Someone...HAHA! ISAAC. I thought he forgotten...but no. =D Sang me birthday song too...SWEET[yourvoiceisnotthatbad,PINKMONSTER!]. imwaitingforyoupresent...isaachowenwei
And BIG THANKS to Wing Yee for the cuuuuuuute pillow.
And yea, thanks guys.
Too bad its a school day...lols.
Anyways, that's all lar. Perasan me update new post just to wish myself Happy Birthday.
*waits till Friday night...*
-Gotta go...-
Remember peeps, 15/6
=can't wait till Friday night...=
=can't wait till Friday night...=
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